Well-coordinated teamwork speaks About Us
We love what we do
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
Our working process
While we personalize our plans and its execution according to our business needs, we have predefined steps to approach a new assignment.

About our online store
This methodology stays installed in our ethos even as we quickly grow our impressions more profound into TN.
SHR comprehends the spirit of buyers in Tunisia. As one of Tunisia’s wholesale pioneers with numerous wholesale designs, we interface a differing and enthusiastic network of purchasers in Tunisia, vendors and organizations. The aggregate effect on business is stunning:
Almost 2 thousands clients stroll into our stores every year and pick items and administrations provided by more than 17,000 little, medium and substantial business people and producers from crosswise over Tunisia. What’s more, this number is set to develop.